Friday, April 20, 2007

Salt Lake City Treasures...

I went to my favorite store Taipan Trading.
It is HUGE and filled with awesome home
decor that's CHEAP. Here are a few pictures
of what I bought. Kelly is going to KILL me!

HA!! HA!!! Had you fooled, didn't I?

Here is a FHE plaque that my sister Kristen has.

I love it. I want to order one and thought some

of you may want to get one too. Then we can

split the shipping. They are $35 each. If you

want one let me know.


Chelsea said...

Are you home in Chicago or what??? Every time my doorbell rings I think it's going to be you showing up to see me. If your home, I hope all went well with your trip. If your in Utah---CALL ME!!

Kathleen and Justin Lofley said...

I love the fuzzy, dream-like edges of the pics at TaiPan....that's just how that store makes me feel....Ahhhh.... cheap stuff that looks good..... my favorite store! We should take Chelsea and initiate her to it!

The Hearn Crew said...

I have that almost exact FHE chart!!! That is scary. Where did she get it from? I'm wondering if I mine is a better deal. Let's chat...GLAD YOUR HOME!