Thursday, April 10, 2008

Spring Cleaning

I have been in a major Spring cleaning mode this last week. Growing up we ALWAYS did a big Spring clean. I remember dreading it as a child. But, I would now like to thank my Mom for teaching me the importance of this BIG task. Don't think you can Spring clean in one day.....maybe one week! I can't believe all the garbage I have thrown away. What a great feeling it has been. I am still Spring cleaning as we blog:) today has been blinds, windows, until it started to rain. I don't know about you, but rainy weather makes me want to clean even more. Last weekend my dear friend came over and we did my entire kitchen, took everything out of cabinets and cleaned away, then reorganized everything. It is much more fun to do it with a friend. I owe her big time! Let's just say that I don't look at all like this lady when I clean, but I wonder what it would be like to wear heels and a dress. Hmm.....I will have to try that. NOT! Well I hope that this will motivate some of you to Spring clean and get rid of junk like me. It really does make a difference and feels good to get so much accomplished. So happy cleaning!


Kristen said...

okay where do you get those kind of friends that help you clean your kitchen? i hope you are not motivated to clean just because i am coming. you're not the one having mom run your household for 5 days!! talk about needing to spring clean. i will be putting my boys to work this weekend to do a "mock spring cleaning".
love you

Stephanie said...

Who freakin cleans in a dress and high heels. Give me a break, maybe in the Leave it to Beaver days. That is a hilarious picture. I bet it feels good to get all that cleaning done.

Amy said...

Kristen, No I don't feel like I have to do this because you are coming, I know you don't care. I was just feeling the need to do it!

Jill said...

I love spring cleaning too! I got all mine done last month during my "nesting" phase. Now it is so nice to relax and enjoy it until next month when my house will probably need it all over again!

Stefanie said...

You are an inspiration to me- i've been trying to clean out and get it all in order. Let me ask you a cleaning question- do you know what cleans granite countertops the best? I have them in my bathrooms but am afraid to use harsh cleaners on them. Maybe if you were coming to visit me it would kick-start my spring cleaning- what do you think? Aren't you due for a visit to Utah?

The Hearn Crew said...

I love to spring clean!!! I feel like I do it all year long though, especially with my house being on the market for 8 months! I like helping others get organized and clean too! And I have to say...we had so much fun doing it! :)

Amy said...

Stefanie- Try the Green Works by Clorox, but wipe it with a dry paper towel. Thats what a few of us use. Let me know if you like it!

Shiela Campbell said...

Wow where did you find that picture of me. I am so glad you have wonderful childhood spring cleaning memories. I still do it in heels and a dress and of course a cute apron!!!!!! I am so proud of you honey and I will be there in a few days to give it the white glove test! I know this response is slow but I am slow at reading everyone's blogs. If we get any more going we won't have to worry about going to the library for a good book!