Sunday, September 28, 2008

No wonder I have always hated CATS

This is the ugliest picture ever, but really it is how I have felt the last few weeks. Why do we let ourselves get this way? Is it my own fault? What can I do to change it? I am trying to I stop serving ? NO! because it really does make me happy. I have thought a lot about this today and how I can change this about my crazy feeling life at this time as I have a lot on my plate with my calling and just trying to fulfill my motherly duties. I know that I need to prioritize my time better. Along with a lot of other things. Do you find it so hard, or is it just me? I find that there are so many things that I want to do and get done in a day.And at the end of the day I have done NONE of them. (well maybe a few) Maybe if I would pull my butt out of bed early before my kids get up, but you all know that I am NOT a morning person and that will NEVER happen, so why beat myself up over it. Maybe I am trying to fit in to much in a day. I get in my mind all the things that I want and need to do and then I get so frustrated when they do not get done.Any advice? I know ....SIMPLIFY! I know that I am rambling on and on so I will stop. I look at that picture of that cat and it just makes me feel frazzled!


Kristen said...

I have a hard time relating because I honestly don't feel stressed out that much. Maybe it'sbecause I am not involved in a lot of things? I don't know..I am on PTA and am the Primary Chorister..does that count? I don't do as much with my friends as you do..I think you take on a lot more projects than I do. Also, my kids aren't involved in many things so I am sure that makes a big difference. Life is too short to be so stressed all the time..esp when it means you don't have time to talk to your sisters!! HA HA. You are good at serving others and helping out your friends with projects and things but sometimes you need to take time to take care of yourself and your little family first. Plus it's not good for your health. I would agree with you in saying SIMPLIFY!! Quit changing your furniture around so much and repainting. Start there!!! HA HA
I love you and sure miss you. I hate that you are so busy..selfishly because I don't ever get to talk to you. Maybe you could start blogging again. It's good therapy!

Stephanie said...
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Stephanie said...

Wow!! It sounds like you have a full plate. You are seriously too busy and Yes I would say that you need to simplify!! You need to take time for yourself once in a while, and then you can help others. It all starts with you so how about a little R& R for yourself. You are obviously way to busy because we haven't talked for a long time and you can't stay caught up on your blog j/k. I love you and hope that things settle down a bit so that you can regain your sanity! By the way I hate cats too!!!

Tara said...

oh Amy...sounds like you need your big sis to come and visit?? I wish I could. My advice is to make a list each night before bed. (a short list) just choose maybe 5 things that either have to be done or you want to get done the next day. Make getting out of bed one of them, so that right away you can check something off! ha, there really is something satisfying about checking things off a list. I am trying to get better about grouping my errands together, so that instead of running 3 places one day and 2 the next, I do them all in one day if I can. Don't be too hard on yourself. Some stages of our life are just busier than others and then it calms down for awhile. You do give alot of time to your friends, which is great, but remember that it is important to just have down time where you just sit and read a book if you want. DOn't feel bad about saying NO sometimes. You are like me in that we always feel like we have to accept or else explain WHY we can't do something.
I don't have all the life is crazy too, but at least I have time during the day when they are all at school. Except now they are all on Fall break for 2 1/2 weeks!!! HELP ME!!
I do get a little over nighter with Lane this Friday night in Denver...I am looking forward to that!
I love you so much. Wish we lived closer to help each other through those "cat days"