Sunday, September 28, 2008

No wonder I have always hated CATS

This is the ugliest picture ever, but really it is how I have felt the last few weeks. Why do we let ourselves get this way? Is it my own fault? What can I do to change it? I am trying to I stop serving ? NO! because it really does make me happy. I have thought a lot about this today and how I can change this about my crazy feeling life at this time as I have a lot on my plate with my calling and just trying to fulfill my motherly duties. I know that I need to prioritize my time better. Along with a lot of other things. Do you find it so hard, or is it just me? I find that there are so many things that I want to do and get done in a day.And at the end of the day I have done NONE of them. (well maybe a few) Maybe if I would pull my butt out of bed early before my kids get up, but you all know that I am NOT a morning person and that will NEVER happen, so why beat myself up over it. Maybe I am trying to fit in to much in a day. I get in my mind all the things that I want and need to do and then I get so frustrated when they do not get done.Any advice? I know ....SIMPLIFY! I know that I am rambling on and on so I will stop. I look at that picture of that cat and it just makes me feel frazzled!